You have likely read articles I've penned about hunting Alaska and South Dakota in your favorite national hunting magazines. The articles are chocked full of great pics of guys like you hunting with me along with tips for hunting and selecting guides to take you on your next big adventure. You can also enjoy my radio show on local radio stations. If your favorite radio station does not carry it, ask them to and send them my contact information.
There's Been Buffalo On This Ranch Since 1908
The buffalo have been around on this ranch since 1908. The buffalo have been surviving here for a long, long time.
Mother Nature Can Be Brutal
Sometimes on the prairie, wild buffalo will turn on each other. It can be a gruesome scene.
Buying a Buffalo Hunting Trip
Katie is up for the JRGS Wife-of-the-Year Award for buying a thrilling MEAT BULL hunt for her husband Lance!
Hunting Buffalo in the Cold
ANOTHER COLD ONE! While less hardy folks were internet surfing by the fire or hard at work, we were having FUN hunting buffalo!
Mother and Daughter Bison Hunting
Hunting buffalo with a mother and daughter team. Awesome story of the thrill of the hunt on the prairies of South Dakota.
Prairie Dog - Bison - Pheasant Hunting
Willie Dvorak, a South Dakota outfitter and hunting guide, writes about prairie dog, pheasant and trophy bison hunting in South Dakota.
Repeat Prairie Dog Hunting Customers
Meet some of my repeat prairie dog hunters. I love it when my customers come back and hunt prairie dogs or buffalo. It tells me they love the open South Dakota prairie, and the abundant dogs we have here.
Women Outshoot Men Every Time
When it comes to prairie dog hunting, the women outshoot the men every time. Having a woman in the mix makes the men much more willing to try something new.
Prairie Dog, Mule Deer & Bison Hunting
The awesome hunting in South Dakota for mule deer, bison and prairie dogs.
Spectacular Hunting in South Dakota
The spectacular hunting adventures on the prairies of South Dakota.
Hunting Trips for Women in South Dakota
Willie writes about hunting trips for women on the prairie of South Dakota including buffalo, antelope, prairie dogs, deer and more.
Pheasant or Prairie Dog Hunting in South Dakota
Pheasants vs. prairie dogs. What's the best hunting on the prairie these it pheasants or prairie dogs?
How To Hunt Prairie Dogs When It Rains
I have prairie dog towns scattered out over 100 miles so I can dodge rain better than anybody in the hunting guide business. That's a big deal. To put it in real numbers: I lose an average of less than one day of hunting prairie dogs every year due to rain.
Lifetime Memory Hunting On The Prairie
Chad hunted for a TROPHY BULL. And he got a dandy! While his friends stayed home and worked, played with their phones, and watched other people play sports on TV, Chad traveled to South Dakota to participate in one of the most American of all activities....buffalo hunting. Ask him how exciting it is to get up close and personal with a TROPHY BULL on big open country. Do YOU have the guts to leave your pals back home "wishing" while you go out "doing" like Chad did? Chad brought his bud Tom as his free nonhunting partner. Call me if you are independent enough to leave your pals to their entertainment while you come to hunt the prairies of South Dakota or the tundra of Alaska. It takes guts.
Authentic Bison Hunting
Robert researched bison hunts for 8 years, looking for the most authentic buffalo hunting experience in the world. "That’s how I found you. You have more positive comments and stories of satisfied customers than anybody. I called several of your past clients and they all said you were the only guy to go with and that you'd back up everything you said."
Father and Son Buffalo Hunting
Have you taken your kid hunting lately? As we were sneaking the final few yards, I heard the father say to the son "I’m glad you’re here." That’s as special as it gets!
Hunting Prairie Dogs on the Prairie
I am overrun with prairie dogs. It's hard to describe how many prairie dogs we have without sounding crazy. Ask any of my past clients! JRGS provides a target rich environment.
Exciting Bison Hunt
MY BUFFALO HUNTS ARE A DIFFERENT DEAL. We hunt them on big country. If you want a thrilling experience, call me. It's a thrilling experience. You won't regret it.
Best Prairie Dog & Bison Hunting Trip For YOU!
Ask ANY of my customers and you'll find out what it is like to hunt bison here in South Dakota. I can provide you the name of every single customer I guided last year. Nobody else in the hunting guide business will do that for you.
Picking The Best Place To Go Hunting
Picking the best place to go hunting in South Dakota for prairie dogs, buffalo, deer, antelope, predators or pheasants isn't easy. South Dakota is one of the most game rich environments in the states.
Dodging The Rain When Buffalo and Prairie Dog Hunting in South Dakota
Willie writes about prairie dog and buffalo hunting when it's raining. Other hunting guides will quit, but Willie beats the rain by utilizing the many prairie dog towns and buffalo hunting grounds spread out over 100 miles that he has access to.
Awesome Prairie Dog Hunting Numbers
Willie Dvorak, a SD outfitter and hunting guide writes about prairie dog hunting numbers, and how he has over 100 miles of hunting ground to choose from.
All About Bison and Buffalo
Learn the basics about buffalo and bison including their long hair, beard, hide thickness, their ability to live in cold conditions, and how fast they can run.
Bison and Prairie Dogs
Contact me for a spectacular prairie dog hunt. Or if you want a bison hunt that is one you will remember fondly for the rest of your life. Take back a freezer full of meat. You will be the talk of the town.
South Dakota Buffalo Hunting
There is nothing like this at all - Buffalo Hunting in South Dakota.
South Dakota Bison Hunting Adventure
The latest bison hunting adventure on the South Dakota prairie.
Super Trophy Buffalo Hunting
A Super Trophy Bull is the biggest nastiest beast on the South Dakota prairie. Most people don't understand just how big they are because they are used to seeing pictures of "normal" size buffalo.
South Dakota Buffalo Hunting
Willie writes about his grandfather hunting elk, and the latest buffalo hunts he has guided in South Dakota.
Hunting Whitetail and Mule Deer
Hunting whitetail deer and mule deer with Jim River Guide Service, delivering The Ultimate Guided Experience. My hunters wouldn't trade their experiences hunting here in South Dakota for anything in the world.
Deer Bow (Archery) Hunting in South Dakota
From hunting deer with a bow to hunting prairie dogs, and finding an old buffalo skull on the prairies of South Dakota.
Buffalo Hunting in South Dakota - Getting Started
A SD outfitter and hunting guide writes about getting started with hunting buffalo in South Dakota. Read the letter a client sent to Willie.
Bison Hunting in South Dakota - It's Not What You Thought
"If you want a buffalo hunt you can be proud to tell your kids about, call Willie. This has been incredible. I had no idea what it was going to be this big of a deal." Joe, MN
South Dakota Women Prairie Dog Hunting
It doesn't take a genius to see these people like to have fun. The women outshot the men on the first day, right out of the gate.
South Dakota Prairie Dog Hunting Guide and Outfitter
Read about some of the prairie dog hunters that I have guided on the plains of South Dakota in the James River Valley and the Ft. Pierre area.
South Dakota Hunting Guide and Outfitter
Willie Dvorak, a SD outfitter and hunting guide writes about the low risk of using Jim River Guide Service as your hunting guide.
South Dakota Prairie Dog Hunting is Lots of Fun!
Prairie dog hunting is all about fun. If you can leave a prairie dog town in a bad mood, you have some serious personal issues you need to deal with.
Pheasant Hunting Vs Prairie Dog Hunting in South Dakota
A pheasant hunting alternative includes the joyous fun of prairie dog hunting in the fields of South Dakota.
Prairie Dog & Buffalo Hunting in South Dakota
Hunt prairie dogs or bison on the prairies of South Dakota. Compare my meat bulls with everybody else's then book your hunt with me.
Whitetail Deer Hunting in South Dakota
Willie Dvorak, a SD outfitter and hunting guide writes about whitetail deer hunting in South Dakota and more.
Archery and Bow Hunting for Deer
Meet the fella who received the "Ninja of the Year" award for his bow hunting skills. Archery deer hunts have been my bread and butter since I started my business 23 years ago.
One Shot One Kill
True Tale - a one shot hunt of a buffalo, and about prairie dog hunting as well. "If you can leave a prairie dog town in a bad mood you have some serious personal issues to deal with."
Bison Hunting in South Dakota
Hunting American Buffalo with Jim River Guide Service. Nobody does it better. Plan to have fun!
South Dakota Prairie Dog and Bison Hunting
When you find an outfitter that you like, you are sometimes limited to how many times you can hunt with them because they only offer 1 or 2 quality hunts for different species. I offer incredible hunts for everything from prairie dogs to bison. There's a lot of reasons to keep coming back, especially when you enjoy the professionalism, hustle, logistics, trophy quality, personal interaction, and performance of JRGS.
South Dakota Hunting
From buffalo, deer and prairie dogs, my hunts in SD are among the best. Jim River Guide Service provides The Ultimate Guided Experience.
Fishing Trips in South Dakota
More big Silvers...Expect a lot of action when you book your fishing trip with Jim River Guide Service. It's all about the fun. There are a lot of ways to do it, trust us to make it happen the right way. Don't risk your fishing trip any other way!
Fort Pierre, South Dakota...Prairie Dog Hunting Capital of the World
The hot weather didn't keep hunters from having a brilliant day of shooting prairie dogs in Fort Pierre, South Dakota with Jim River Guide Service.
The Ultimate South Dakota Hunting Guide Experience
I have plenty of team members helping to ensure the experience is awesome for my hunters before, during and after the hunt. However, hunters choose to hunt with me because I do all of the guiding personally. I'm right there making the minute to minute decisions to help you have a brilliant time.
Buffalo Hunting - Face to Face Hunting
Willie Dvorak, a SD outfitter and hunting guide writes about having great communication skills with his clients.
Buffalo & Bison Hunting in South Dakota
American Bison Hunting Thrills.
Fort Pierre Hunting
Ft. Pierre South Dakota - The Prairie Dog Hunting Capital of the World!
Buffalo and Prairie Dog Hunting
Nobody provides a better American buffalo hunting or prairie dog hunting experience than JRGS.
Best Shooting Practice EVER
I am proud when I can take good, average or poor shooters and make them great shooters in just a day. That is a skill they will use the rest of their lives.
1,000 Yard Prairie Dog Kills
1,000 yard kills for prairie dogs in South Dakota. Repeat Pennsylvania clients Bart, Andrew and Jeff all killed prairie dogs past 1,000 in 20-25 mph winds.
Dry Weather Shooting for Prairie Dogs
Willie Dvorak, a SD outfitter and hunting guide writes about dry weather shooting for prairie dogs in South Dakota.
Bow & Rifle Deer, Bison & Antelope Hunting
Bow and rifle hunting for bison, antelope, deer and prairie dogs.
Shortest Prairie Dog Shot Ever
Willie writes about Nick, who has the lead for the shortest prairie dog shot in history.
Military Veteran Hunting Trips
Memorial Day, why we celebrate it, and the military veterans who have hunted with Willie.
Spring Prairie Dog Hunting
Willie writes about spring prairie dog hunting.
Longest Prairie Dog Shot This Year
Noah has the lead for the longest prairie dog THIS YEAR with 736 yards...right on!
Summer Bison and Prairie Dog Hunting
Time spent hunting with your father/son is NEVER wasted. Kent and his son Tucker will vouch for that!
Long Range Prairie Dog Shooting
The prairie dogs are out in fantastic numbers and we're shooting them!
South Dakota Coyote & Prairie Dog Hunting
Prairie dogs are out and about, and we took advantage of it. With over 100 miles for prairie dog hunting and 200 miles for coyote hunting, what are you waiting for?
Trophy Buffalo Hunting in South Dakota
Willie writes about trophy buffalo (bison) hunting and about his client's successful hunts.
Contact Information
Jim River Guide Service
Willie Dvorak
432 Railway Avenue
Mellette, SD 57461
Text or phone: 605-228-8162
South Dakota outfitter and hunting guide in the Jim River area, including Ft. Pierre. Accommodations, meals, vehicles and equipment included. Prairie dog, buffalo/bison, antelope, deer and predator hunting.
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